I just listed this gorgeous .4 acre waterfront property on Guemes Island. This high-bank lot features stunning madrone trees and the most peaceful southwesterly views of the Guemes Channel and San Juan Islands.
It’s located on a quiet, private street in the Holiday Hideaway neighborhood. The properties in this neighborhood have beach access at three coves. There’s even a boat ramp just a short walk away.
While I was there last (for a total of maybe 60 minutes) I saw three eagles flying overhead. What an amazing spot!
Lots of preliminary work has been done on this property including lot certification with Skagit County, and a Critical Areas/GeoTech report. The water share has been paid for. There’s power at the road. Preliminary septic design work has identified a probable area. This is a great opportunity for somebody to have the ultimate PNW island experience at an affordable price!
Let the video speak for itself…
Lot 2 Cypress Wy
.400 ac/17,424 sf
List price $149,000
MLS 1423444